Frequently Asked Questions

Are estimates free?

Yes! Estimates are always free!

Can I get an estimate over the phone?

Each job is unique. Our project manager meets with every client to understand your project's needs and give you an accurate quote so there are no hidden fees or surprise extra costs.

Will I have to move furniture?

We only ask the customer to move all items off of their furniture. We will move and cover furniture in order to paint, and put it back when we finish. We will also vacuum and clean up any mess that is made in the painting process.

Do you have references?

We are committed to our customers satisfaction and references are available. Contact us using the form below for more information.

Is a deposit required for work to begin?

No, in some cases on very large jobs we may require a weekly draw but on most jobs we will get paid after the Job is completed.

Do you take credit cards?

Yes, the credit/debit is our preferred payment method. However, cash and checks are accepted for payment as well.

Is your company insured?

Yes, we are fully insured with liability insurance and workman’s compensation.

What types of work do you do?

We do Repaints both interior and exterior, new construction both remodeling and new homes, and commercial work.
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